Ministry News

A group of children stands in a circle, raising their hands together towards the center. The background is blue with the text "THIS IS US" in large white letters at the top. The phrase "Systemic Change" is in the bottom right corner in smaller white letters.

This Is Us – Systemic Change

The Saint Francis Ministries vision consists of five impactful words. To transform lives and systems. Daily, through the commitment of more than 1,550 employees working with or in support of

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Two men with happy expressions pose together, smiling at the camera. One man has his arm around the other. The background is bright yellow, and the text "THIS IS US Residential Services" is displayed at the top and bottom.

This Is Us – Residential Services

People come to Saint Francis Residential treatment facilities for lots of reasons. Young people come with a variety of behavioral and emotional challenges. Many have experienced complex traumas that can

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A blue background graphic with the large text "THIS IS US." The "US" portion contains images of diverse people engaging in activities like reading. The text "National Non-Profit Day 8.17.22" is to the left of "US," with a small logo at the bottom right.

This Is Us: Foster Care and Adoption

Most people think of foster care when they hear “Saint Francis Ministries.” And that makes sense, especially since it’s one of our most recognizable programs. Yet, with this recognition, comes

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A person is standing against a plain wall. They are wearing glasses, an orange shirt, and a green-and-blue plaid shirt over it. The person is smiling slightly. The photo is framed with a black border.

Fostering in Faith: Malikhi

Quiet and independent, 13-year-old Malikhi spends lots of time alone. He enjoys listening to music, playing board games, and being around animals. Because of past experiences, Malikhi has some difficulty

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A child with a shaved head and a wide smile stands in front of a wooden background. The child is wearing a black and gray shirt with a white number 6 and a small polo logo on the front.

Fostering in Faith: Quavez

Fearless, active, and fast, 7-year-old Quavez needs lots of loving supervision. That supervision will be time well spent because – as his foster mom says – Quavez is affectionate, creative,

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