The Board of Sedgwick County Commissioners helped Saint Francis kick off our annual celebration of adoptive families with what has become something of a tradition over the last several years.
Last week, Commissioners signed a proclamation declaring November National Adoption Month. Commissioner Dave Unruh read the Proclamation during the Commission’s Wednesday meeting.

This Saturday, more than 30 children will formally receive “forever families” during Saint Francis’ annual National Adoption Day celebration at Exploration Place in Wichita. Saint Francis staff, along with judges, attorneys, and clerks from the 18th Judicial District, will gather with adoptive parents and children to finalize adoptions and celebrate adoptive families.
Another friend of adoptive children and families, former KAKE News anchor and adoption advocate Susan Peters will be the featured speaker at the event, which will also include a special blessing for children and adoptive families performed by Saint Francis chaplain The Rev. Canon Phyllis Flory.
The adoptions of about dozen Saint Francis kids were finalized earlier this month in Salina, and more will be adopted at events in Great Bend on Friday and in Hutchinson on Saturday.
As you can see, we get excited when children and families come together.
Over the last four years, the adoptions of more than 200 Saint Francis children have been finalized at the Wichita event alone.
But that’s just part of the story.
Since last year’s National Adoption Day celebration, nearly 300 children have found their forever families through Saint Francis.
Yet, we serve more than 208 children in Kansas alone who still need adoptive families. Thankfully, some of those are on their way to adoption. But many others are not.
Right now, you can find children on the Adopt Kansas Kids website who desperately need parents and a family to call their own.
As it says, “You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent.”

Perhaps you’ve considered adoption, but you want to explore it more. You can learn a lot about adoption through Saint Francis here. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.
Do you have an adoption story you’d like to share? Let us know. Your story might be the one that inspires another to adopt.
Lots of children need permanent homes and loving families just like yours. They’re out there, waiting.