Fostering in Faith: Pryce, Adoriana, and Avalon

Siblings Pryce, 9, Adoriana, 7, and Avalon, 5, hope to find a permanent home where they can remain together within a new forever family. All three children have engaging personalities and sweet temperaments, which would make them a blessing to any family that chooses to make them their own.

Although Pryce enjoys video games, he loves the outdoors as well. He’s polite and readily follows the rules of the home. Like many girls, “Dorie” loves playing with dolls. She can also hold her own when dealing with her brothers. Active and energetic, Avalon has a creative imagination. He plays well independently and with others. Right now, his goal is to get big enough to sleep on the top bunk of his bunk bed.

All three children are both sensitive and sociable. They need a family able to provide structure and routine, but also have fun and act silly. A two-parent home would work best for them, so the children can receive one-on-one attention when necessary. They currently reside in a foster home without siblings, but they have expressed a desire for more brothers and sisters.

These children have already had a difficult childhood, and they need a good family to give them the right guidance and support to heal.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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