Fostering in Faith: Jordan

September 2023 · Fostering in Faith

Quiet, polite, and hardworking, 9-year-old Jordan likes to help around the house and work in the yard. He also enjoys playing video games and building with Legos.

An avid sports fan, Jordan loves playing baseball and basketball and has even attended camps for both.

He works hard in school and maintains passing grades. Although he struggles with math, his favorite subject is science because he likes to learn about new things. Jordan will enter the fifth grade this fall.

Jordan has been in foster care since 2018 and currently has supervised visits with his brother. Family therapy is recommended once he finds his forever family. He would thrive in a structured home with two parents. Jordan would also do well in a family with other children.

Please pray that Jordan finds the family he needs to heal, grow, and reach his full potential. He deserves it.

Download the Prayer and Fostering Details for Jordan (PDF)
