Fostering in Faith: Gage

Gage was left with a sense of abandonment. That’s why this energetic, eager, and affectionate 7-year-old desperately needs a family to love and accept him unconditionally.

A typical boy, Gage loves to ride his bike, play video games, and compete in soccer. Both friendly and funny, he likes to tell jokes and gets along well with other boys his age.

In school, Gage is in the first grade. He struggles a little with reading, but otherwise performs well. His teacher says he has the skills to eventually become a competent reader.

So far, Gage hasn’t requested a family because he doesn’t understand yet that his father won’t be returning. He would do best in a two-parent household or in a home with a single male parent because that’s what he’s used to. He loves to spend time with pets and to play outdoors, so any home that provides those opportunities would work well for him.

Mostly, Gage needs a patient family, willing to give him the time and space to grow comfortable and to feel welcome. He needs understanding parents who can help him trust that he will not be abandoned again.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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