Fostering in Faith: Andrew

Last summer, 8-year-old Andrew played baseball and loved it. Now, he participates in all kinds of athletic activities like swimming, soccer, basketball, and even hip-hop dancing.

Big-hearted and friendly, Andrew likes to be helpful by cleaning house, cooking dinner, and helping the other kids in his foster home with their homework. He also prays often and enjoys going to church and telling others about Jesus.

Mostly, Andrew likes being part of a family. He’s hoping for more than just a mom and dad; he wants siblings, grandparents, and cousins.

Both physically and intellectually active, he needs a home that is patient and stable. He will thrive in an active two-parent family that is socially engaged with the community. He would do especially well in a home with pets and high-functioning older siblings, living in an urban area and enrolled in a school with a great special education program.

Please pray that Andrew finds the family he needs to develop his full potential. He is an affectionate, sweet child who just needs someone to love him, accept him, and give him a family to call his own.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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