Fostering in Faith: Aubry

Little Aubry entered state care when she was just five months old. Although stable, the 2-year-old faces a difficult road ahead. Her biologicial parents are unable to provide for her extensive medical and health needs, so this adorable little girl needs an extra-special forever family.

Aubry has no siblings, but she seems comfortable around children. Her development is delayed, but progressing. Currently, though, she is both non-mobile and non-verbal. As she grows and matures, Aubry will likely need a wheelchair to get around.

The ideal family for Aubry would be financially stable with a flexible schedule. They should also be willing to accept support from their family and their community.

Aubry’s medical needs will require lots of doctor appointments and visits with a variety of specialists. She needs a forever family willing to go the extra mile for her. She would thrive in a placement with access to developmental programs, so she needs patient parents dedicated to providing for her quality of life and who will safeguard her dignity as a human person and a child of God.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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