Fostering in Faith: Joshua

Active and energetic, 12-year-old Joshua enjoys football, baseball, kickboxing, and rollerblading. He’s also fascinated with technology and loves to create and build. His favorite school subject is technology because he gets to work with computers. He also loves robotics, art, and playing with Legos.

Joshua’s peers like him a lot because he is respectful and happy. He also loves God and attends church regularly. He has an older sibling in Independent Living that he sees twice a month. They have a strong connection that both want to maintain.

Joshua hopes for an active family that’s involved in the community, enjoys doing extracurricular activities together, and allows pets and video games in the home.

He would do well with parents who have trauma training and experience implementing trauma interventions. He would thrive in a highly structured environment with set rules and a system of rewards. Joshua responds well to structure and routine and would prove a wonderful addition to any family.

Download the Prayer and Fostering Details for Joshua (PDF)

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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