Adoptive family shows how a small gesture can make a big difference

No doubt about it, our frontline workers make everything we do at Saint Francis possible. Yet, they would probably be the first to admit that they can’t do it alone. Without the collaboration, cooperation, and passion of our foster, kinship, and adoptive parents, Saint Francis would find providing for the healing and hope of children and family much more difficult.

Take Ramona and Randy Miller for instance … Parents of two grown biological children, the DeSoto, Kansas, couple have also raised two children they adopted at birth. And now they’re parenting an adopted sibling set of three, twin 7-year-old girls and their 3-year-old brother.

About three years ago, Ramona heard from her adoption worker at the time, Ashley Freeman, that there was a boy waiting for a family who had asked for new underwear for Christmas. Deeply moved by his simple request, Ramona and Randy decided to purchase about 15 $25 gift cards for children in need of adoption. Inspired, her friends and fellow church members asked to participate if she and Randy ever decided to do it again.

So, the following year, with their friends and family chipping in, they provided a $75 gift card to 39 children, and this year they’ve done it again, raising enough to provide 36 children with a $100 gift card.

“I thought, you know if you buy a latte at Starbucks, that’s at least five bucks, so if I could get all my friends on Facebook to donate, that could do a lot,” said Ramona. “So, the generosity of my friends was so touching … I cried. And my twin daughters designed cards for them that said, ‘This card was made for you by two foster children who found their forever family. We said a prayer for you, may you know the hope of Christ this Christmas season.’”

The effects of their simple gesture has also inspired the Millers to start their own nonprofit, “His Hands,” to send birthday and gift cards each month to children waiting for adoption.

“It’s a way for us to give back to the foster care system and educate friends and family about the needs of this often-forgotten group of foster children,” said Ramona.

According to Ashley, such an idea is typical of the Millers.

“The Miller family was amazing to work with in the process of adopting three young siblings,” said Ashley. “Watching the adoption, virtually, while they were out of state at a family reunion, was one of the highlights during my time on the Adoption team. Seeing the joy that they, the children, and their extended family had was amazing. Then, when they reached out to say that they, and their adopted children, wanted to bless other children who are looking for their forever families my heart grew even more full.”



Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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