Fostering in Faith: Amelia, Liam & Jackson

Fun loving and friendly, 4-year-old Amelia likes to dance and has mastered the art of a great spin. Something of a diva, she likes to pick out her own clothes.

Elder brother, Liam, 7, loves to fly small model planes and figure out how things work. Smart and funny, he likes to make his siblings laugh.

Five-year-old Jackson enjoys a good hug and cuddle. He’s also really good at building stuff with Legos and putting together puzzles. He can already handle a 75-piece project.

All three of these beautiful children are affectionate, kind, and loving. They just need the same kind of home, a place in which to feel safe, secure, and accepted.

Although none of them has expressed a preference, they each hope for a home with animals and plenty of space to run and play.

They would do best in a two-parent family, especially one familiar with trauma. They are also deeply attached to each other, so they need to be adopted together. Please pray that they find the family they need so they can thrive, grow, and find the happiness God intends for them.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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