Resource Connection

Bridging Families with Community Services

At Saint Francis Ministries, our mission is to provide healing and hope to children and families. For the Clinical Utilization team at Saint Francis Community Services in Texas (SFCS), that often means connecting children and families with the right experts and community resources to stabilize a child’s behavioral, medical, or mental health. The Resource Connection is a new way to connect children and their caregivers with the needed resources within their home community, resources that often go under-utilized simply because they aren’t known.

Resource Connection engages community resource providers by inviting them to the table when SFCS meets about a child and what services they need. Wrapping services around a child and his or her caregiver can often make the difference between being able to keep the child here in their home community as opposed to sending them across the state or even outside of Texas to access the same services elsewhere.

A woman wearing a hat and plaid shirt is smiling as she sits behind a young girl in a pink polka dot dress. Both appear to be enjoying a ride, with the sun setting in the background. The woman's long hair is being blown by the wind.
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