Saint Francis restructures senior leadership positions

Former Chief Operating Officer Trish Bryant will retire this year, after nearly three decades of service with Saint Francis Ministries. She began as a youth service worker at the Salina West residential campus. Trish’s impending departure has prompted an organizational restructuring of senior executive staff and departments.

Effective January 3, 2024, Trish will serve as Special Assistant to the CEO until her formal retirement on June 30. Former Chief Financial Officer Lora Winchell succeeds her as COO.

Other changes – Vice President of Finance Matt Fuqua assumes CFO duties, and Chief Advancement Officer Cristian Garcia transitions to Chief Programs Officer.

“The organizational realignment reflects a natural fit for each leader filling these senior positions,” said CEO Bill Clark. “The change also streamlines implementation, oversight, and communication between senior leadership and Saint Francis programs and support staff. I have the greatest confidence that Lora, Matt, and Cristian will provide able and accessible leadership to Saint Francis, propelling us forward as we strive to care for children and families.”

Chief Clinical Officer Amanda Pfannenstiel, Chief Information Officer John McDowell, and the Reverend Andrew O’Connor, who serves as Executive Officer of Mission and Ministry, round out the Senior Executive Team for Saint Francis Ministries.

Match Madness 2024 begins March 21

Saint Francis Ministries will soon start gearing up for Match Madness 2024, and fundraising initiative sponsored by the Greater Salina Community Foundation that generates gifts to endowment funds for local charities for long-term support. Saint Francis has participated in the event for several years to help support important programs and services.

Here’s how it works:

  • GSCF matches the donor’s gift proportionally up to 50 percent in the form of an instant cash grant to the charity to use for current needs.
  • The charity may use the match however they choose, including special projects and basic operating costs. Some charities also opt to put the match back into their endowment to meet future needs.

Donors must give on March 21, but donations will be accepted all day.

Gifts can be made in person at the Salina Fieldhouse from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or online from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

For those who live outside of Salina, or who can’t attend in person, they may:

  • Donate online at – 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.
  • Mail cash or check donations (with a completed donation form) to the community foundation at PO Box 2876, Salina, KS 67402-2876. These must be postmarked March 21, 2024.

Giving in person, though, is much more fun. The event regularly features a donation station, food trucks, nonprofit booths (including Saint Francis Ministries), free snacks, and free throw and half-court shot contests.

Last year, SFM raised $13,873.51 through Match Madness, so it’s a great way for donors and partners to support the Saint Francis mission.

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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