Our own Madness event is just three days away

College basketball’s annual March tournament has begun, and hopefully you’re brackets haven’t broken your heart yet.

That said, we also hope you’ll take a day off and divert your attention – for just a little while – on Thursday to a different sort of Madness – Match Madness.

Sponsored by the Greater Salina Community Foundation (GSCF), Match Madness helps generate gifts to endowment funds for local charities for long-term support. Saint Francis Ministries participates every year, and we use the funds to support essential programs and services. Our fundraising goal this year is $20,000, and we’re hoping for your support.

Here’s how it works:

  • GSCF matches the donor’s gift proportionally up to 50 percent in the form of an instant cash grant to the charity to use for current needs.
  • The charity may use the match however they choose, including special projects and basic operating costs. Some charities also opt to put the match back into their endowment to meet future needs.

But you’ve got to give on Thursday!

Donations will be accepted all day. Gifts can be made in person at the Salina Fieldhouse from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. or online from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.

If you come in person, you can cheer for our own Sydney Mortensen in the Free Throw and Half-Court Shot Contests. A Family Centered Treatment® Specialist with Saint Francis, Sydney also played four years of college basketball with Kansas Wesleyan University.

She’s representing SFM in the Bill Grevas Memorial Free Throw Contest, sponsored by Salina Regional Health Foundation and will try to earn $100 in one minute. She’ll also participate in the BE Wealth Half-Court Shot for Charity and try to bring home an extra $1,000.

If you can’t make it in person, that’s okay. You can still help … a lot. Simply


  • Mail cash or check donations (with a completed donation form) to the community foundation at PO Box 2876, Salina, KS 67402-2876. These must be postmarked March 23, 2023.

It’s that easy.

Come see us if you can on Thursday at the Salina Fieldhouse. Or donate from a distance to support vital programs and services that bring healing and hope to children and families throughout the six states in which we serve.

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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