Nonprofits fill the gaps and foster positive change

Once again, National Non-Profit Day is upon us (August 17, to be exact) and once again, Saint Francis Ministries will mark the occasion by visiting some of our friends and partners to say thanks for working with us on behalf of children and families.

Several years ago, we started delivering cookies and treats to those fellow nonprofits that partner with us to help those we serve. It’s just our way of saying, “thanks,” for their collaboration and to acknowledge the important role they play in the life of the community.

Saint Francis is, of course, a nonprofit organization – as are many of those same friends and partners. Nonprofits perform essential work in the United States, often providing programs and services that governmental or for-profit organizations either can’t or won’t.

It’s challenging work and those who are employed in nonprofit jobs rarely make as much as their counterparts in the private sector. That’s okay, though, because as many nonprofit employees will tell you – they don’t do it for the money.

Nonprofits help fill gaps in services, build community, and advocate for positive change. And those who work on the front lines do so primarily from a desire to serve others and to make a difference in the world.

Yet, they can’t do it alone. Every nonprofit relies on volunteer and financial support from the communities in which they serve.

Is there room in your day to support your favorite nonprofit – either as a volunteer or donor? Is there room in your life to join us in making life better for those in our community struggling with challenges in their families and in their lives?

There are ways you can help Saint Francis Ministries in our work to provide healing and hope to children and families. Visit to learn how.

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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