Here’s Your Pre-holiday Safety Check

It’s that time of year again when dangers abound – if we fail to remain alert and attentive, especially with kids around.

Although the July 4th holiday doesn’t officially take place until Tuesday, many will begin celebrating this weekend. That means fireworks, grills, and swimming. Carelessness with any of these three can turn a fun celebration into a tragedy.

Fortunately, the American Red Cross offers tips for fireworks safety. It’s good to review them each year before any fuses get lit:

“The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public firework show put on by professionals. Stay at least 500 feet away from the show. Many states outlaw most fireworks. Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks. If you are setting fireworks off at home, follow these safety steps:

  • Never give fireworks to small children, and never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
  • Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution.
  • Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
  • Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight ‘a dud.’
  • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.” (Source: American Red Cross)

Speaking of fire, remember to keep young children away from hot grills:

  • “If you are going to cook on the grill, never grill indoors. Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, the deck, tree branches or anything that could catch fire.
  • Always supervise the grill when in use. Don’t add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited. Use the long-handled tools especially made for cooking on the grill to keep the chef safe.
  • Make sure everyone, including children and pets, stays away from the grill.” The American Red Cross has more tips for 4th of July safety at:

Have fun and stay safe!

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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