Fostering In Faith: Robert (Texas) and Marlie (Kansas)

Robert (Texas)

At 14 years old, Robert has already endured a lot in a short time. He longs for a family to call his own and restore magic to his life. Both kind and respectful, he enjoys playing baseball and football. He also collects football cards and Pokémon cards. Highly sociable, Robert likes to make others laugh with his quick wit and playful jokes.

He struggles emotionally at times, but he works hard to be a good role model for his younger brother. He would love to share a forever family with his brother – in a permanent home with a loving mother and father.

Robert would do best in a structured home with a consistent schedule. Stability and fairness are especially important to him. He would thrive in an environment in which he feels motivated and supported in improving himself and his grades and in which his dry sense of humor is appreciated. Please pray that this awesome young man finds the family he needs to grow into the kind of adult he hopes to be.

To learn more about Robert and other Texas children needing adoptive families, contact Saint Francis Ministries at

Download the Prayer and Fostering Details for Robert (PDF)

Marlie (Kansas)

Artistic and resilient, 10-year-old Marlie is excited about finding an adoptive family that will love her forever. She thrives with one-on-one time and needs adults willing to prioritize spending time with her.

“I am good at doing hair and art,” she says. Marlie also enjoys drawing and coloring, painting her nails, making pottery, watching movies, playing with animals, and going to the park. Her favorite school activities are recess and art.

Marlie’s life has been difficult, but she remains empathetic with children who have higher needs than she does. Still, she needs adults in her life who are familiar with trauma. She would do best in a home with either no children or with older children. A two parent family would work best, but she could also succeed in a one-parent home with proper community supports.

Marlie would thrive in a family that enjoys nature, games, and creative hobbies. She needs parents willing to spend time with her and provide reassurance that she is loved and wanted. Please pray that Marlie finds the forever family she needs.

Download the Prayer and Fostering Details for Marlie (PDF)

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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