Everyone deserves healing and hope

According to the Human Rights Campaign, nearly 400,000 children and youth are in foster care in the United States. At least 30 percent of those youth identify as LGBTQ+. Why are LGBTQ+ youth so heavily represented in the foster care system?

They enter for many of the same reasons as non-LGBTQ+ youth – abuse, neglect, and parental substance use and addiction. Yet LGBTQ+ youth also struggle with the additional trauma that comes with rejection or hostility because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

Some of the youth served by Saint Francis Ministries also LGBTQ+, and they deserve healing and hope as much as anyone. We want every young person to have a happy, healthy, nurturing home where they are loved unconditionally. Young people need to hear that they have God-given dignity and worth, simply by virtue of being human.

We know that strong families make children’s lives better, and that strong families come in all shapes and sizes. Effective communication skills, reliable structure, mutual respect, and unconditional love are key components and the hallmarks of strong families. Everything else is secondary.

Is there room in your life to help a young person be their truest self? If so, consider fostering a young person who deserves to be loved without conditions. Visit https://saintfrancisministries.org/foster-care/.

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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