The third installment of Saint Francis Ministries’ video series, “Conversations,” is finished and ready to view. Our newest episode, “The Power of Prevention,” features a round table conversation facilitated by our Executive Officer for Mission and Ministry, Fr. Andrew O’Connor, with Vice President of Prevention Dr. Nicole McCauley and Family Centered Treatment Specialist Taylor Straight.
Dr. McCauley shares the origins and success of FCT, highlighting its impressive 94% family retention rate within St. Francis Ministries. Taylor Straight offers a firsthand perspective, discussing the program’s impact, from building trust with families to empowering parents to create lasting change. They share powerful anecdotes of real-life transformations, demonstrating the profound difference FCT makes in the lives of families and children.
Whether you’re a professional in child welfare, a supporter of prevention services, or simply interested in learning how community-based programs can change lives, this episode shines a light on the hope and healing made possible through the power of prevention.