Fostering in Faith: Christian and Kaden

Brothers Christian, 9, and Kaden, 8, have never enjoyed a stable home life. As a result, they have struggled with behavioral issues since their placement into foster care in 2015.

Yet, the boys are also affectionate, and responsive to love and structure. Kaden, especially, can be sweet, helpful, and cooperative. Christian can act quite mature when he want to, along with being polite and well-mannered. He enjoys hugs from his foster mother and likes to make friends at school.

Both boys struggle with trauma, which means they need patient and strong parents to guide them through the long road to healing. They currently have no contact with relatives, nor are they expected to. The family that adopts them will be the only family they have.

Christian and Kaden will need to continue trauma therapy and medication management. Right now, because they are so close, they should be adopted together. They need parents with experience working with children dealing with trauma and mental health issues.

These two children of God need a family that can look beyond their current struggles to help them build lives of wholeness and hope.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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