Is there room in your life to foster a child?
Children from all backgrounds enter the Nebraska foster care system, many bearing the scars of trauma. Foster parents open their homes and hearts – helping children heal, trust, and hope again. Children in care range in age from birth to 21, mostly school-aged. Most enter foster care due to abuse or neglect, while others exhibit behavioral disorders. We strive to keep sibling groups together and in their home community. Whatever their story, each child in foster care in Nebraska needs a safe place to stay and a family to provide for their emotional, educational, medical, and special behavioral needs.
“The more love you have, the more love you have to give. It’s an inexhaustible thing. It never dries up.”
Joel Merssman
Saint Francis Foster Parent

Frequently Asked Questions
Foster care is a system designed to provide a temporary home and family for children who cannot live with their birth parents due to various reasons, such as abuse, neglect, or behavioral disorders. Children in foster care, ranging from birth to 21 years old, often come from diverse backgrounds and have experienced trauma. Foster parents play a crucial role in helping these children heal, trust, and hope again by providing a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment.
Foster care involves placing children in the temporary care of foster parents who provide daily support, nurturing, and stability. These parents work closely with birth parents and child welfare professionals to prepare children for a safe return to their family, when possible. If reunification is not viable, foster parents may assist with the transition to a relative’s care, adoption, or independent living for older youths. Foster care also includes support services like respite care, which offers foster parents short-term breaks, and therapeutic foster care for adolescents needing more specialized attention.
To foster a child, fill out this form, and a team member will contact you to guide you through the next steps. You will be required to take a Mandatory State preservice training and then apply for licensure. Once licensed and a child is placed in your home, you can expect to work closely with case managers and other professionals to ensure the child’s well-being.
In Nebraska, foster parents come from various backgrounds and lifestyles. Key requirements include having the capacity to provide a safe and nurturing environment, meeting the child’s emotional, educational, medical, and behavioral needs, and working collaboratively with child welfare professionals. Prospective foster parents undergo a thorough assessment and training process. They don’t need to be wealthy, own a large home, or be married. What’s essential is having room in their heart and home to offer a child a safe space for healing and growth.
The process to become a foster parent in Nebraska typically takes about six months. This timeline involves completing the necessary training, passing background checks, and inspecting your home to ensure it’s safe and suitable for a foster child. The process may vary slightly depending on your state and individual circumstances.
Foster parents in Nebraska get paid monthly to help with the costs of caring for the child/children in their care, such as food, clothing, and other necessities. Payments received are tax-free and vary, depending on the number of foster children in the home, their ages, and any special needs they might have. Each state has its own foster care payment schedule.
The number of children in foster care can vary and is subject to change over time. For the most current statistics on the number of children in foster care, it’s recommended to refer to the latest data provided by child welfare agencies or governmental organizations. These statistics help understand the scope of the foster care system and the ongoing need for compassionate and dedicated foster parents.
Reach Out Today
Whether you’re a family interested in opening your home, a current foster parent in need of support, or someone looking to make a difference in the lives of children in need, we are here to help. We’re committed to guiding families through the fostering journey, ensuring every child has a safe, loving environment where they can thrive.
Reach out today and take the first step in changing a child’s life—because every child deserves a place to call home.