Fostering in Faith: La’Zaria (Texas)

A walking ray of sunshine, La’Zaria’s positivity is infectious. The 13-year-old loves music and wants to be a cheerleader. When she’s not singing and dancing to her favorite tunes, she’s playing sports. Although she’s good at them all, including bowling, basketball is where she really shines.

In school, La’Zaria excels in math and science and wants to be a pediatrician when she grows up. She also likes to travel and hopes for a forever family that takes trips. She’d love the opportunity to visit places like California, New York, and Disney World. She also likes the beach, where she can play in the water and collect seashells.

Mostly, La’Zaria hopes for a family that will love her and be there for her. She longs for a mom and dad whose trust she can earn and who will let her go out to eat with friends and have sleepovers. Essentially, La’Zaria just wants a normal life, the kind most teens experience. Like all of us, she wants a permanent place to call her own and a family who loves her unconditionally.

To learn more about La’Zaria and other Texas children needing adoptive families, contact Saint Francis Ministries at

Download the Prayer and Fostering Details for La’Zaria (PDF)

Picture of Shane Schneider
Shane Schneider

Shane is the Editorial Content Manager for the Marketing and Communications Department at Saint Francis Ministries.

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