Fostering in Faith: Carlie

Active and inquisitive, 10-year-old Carlie loves to read, write, and draw. In fact, she excels in both reading and writing in school.

She also enjoys swimming, attending church, and – like many girls her age – watching JoJo Siwa videos on YouTube. Carlie likes to wear dresses and have her hair done.

Although she would like to remain in touch with her birth family, it’s just not possible. She has a biological brother placed in another foster home.

Carlie hopes for a forever family with two parents and a brother and sister, since she needs and wants contact with peers. She also loves animals and would like a house with pets. She’d prefer to live in a city or large town, but as long as she has a loving family, she’ll be happy.

Carlie will do best in an understanding and patient family who will ensure she continues to receive the therapy she needs. With the right family, one that accepts her unconditionally, she can flourish and grow into a responsible, healthy adult. She can triumph over the difficulties she’s endured. Please pray that God will send a forever family to make her their own.

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Picture of Beth Cormack
Beth Cormack

Beth is the project manager for the Saint Francis Ministries Marketing and Communications team.

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